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- Is it benefitted or benefited?
- Is it dialled or dialed?
- Is it focussed or focused?
- Is it handicapped or handicaped?
- Is it on-going or ongoing?
- Is it post code or postcode?
- Is it reiterate or iterate?
- Is it targetted or targeted?
- Is it travelled or traveled?
- Is it unparallelled or unparalleled?
- Is it worshipped or worshiped?
- Easy mistakes to make
- Is it alright or all right?
- Is it altogether or all together?
- Is it complementary or complimentary?
- Is it disc or disk?
- Is it distinct or distinctive?
- Is it effect or affect?
- Is it enquiry or inquiry?
- Is it every day or everyday?
- Is it faint or feint?
- Is it flammable or inflammable?
- Is it formally or formerly?
- Is it imply or infer?
- Is it its or it’s?
- Is it learned or learnt?
- Is it license or licence?
- Is it long term or long-term?
- Is it marinade or marinate?
- Is it practise or practice?
- Is it program or programme?
- Is it recover or re-cover?
- Is it recreate or re-create?
- Is it reenforce or re-enforce?
- Is it reform or re-form?
- Is it reinforce re-inforce?
- Is it setup, set-up or set up?
- Is it thank you, thankyou or thank-you?
- Is it under way or underway?
- Is it vain, vane or vein?
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